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Workshop with Caty Mari, local woman of wisdom

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“Connect with the original medicine of the island”
Caty Marí is a woman of wisdom from Ibiza who had a great natural spiritual awakening more than 30 years ago, carried by the energy of her Earth and her genetic memory. Since then she has traveled the world sharing his knowledge and facilitating people to connect with their own center of power and anchoring their spirit in matter, the Can-Pal Point.

The seminar it will be done between her own house and her ancestor’s land. We will let it awakes in us what is need at this moment of our evolution. Caty will guide us through the teaching of cultivating awareness at this point of power within ourself.

Each seminar is different depending on the energy of the group and its needs. Her teaching is always practical, it helps us become aware of behavioral patterns that interfere with Life and it support us to make significant changes .

🌺Contribution : €210

🌺Location: San José area

🌺Information and registration : +34679238270, Núria
[6:19 p. m., 21/1/2025] Nuriadelsol: ✨Workshop with Caty Marí,
local shaman from Ibiza
February 8-9 from 10am to 6pm

“Connect with the original medicine of the island”
Caty Marí is a woman of wisdom from Ibiza who had a great natural spiritual awakening more than 30 years ago, carried by the energy of her Earth and her genetic memory. Since then she has traveled the world sharing his knowledge and facilitating people to connect with their own center of power and anchoring their spirit in matter, the Can-Pal Point.

The seminar it will be done between her own house and her ancestor’s land. We will let it awakes in us what is need at this moment of our evolution. Caty will guide us through the teaching of cultivating awareness at this point of power within ourself.

Each seminar is different depending on the energy of the group and its needs. Her teaching is always practical, it helps us become aware of behavioral patterns that interfere with Life and it support us to make significant changes .

🌺Contribution : €210

🌺Location: San José area

🌺Information and registration : +34679238270, Núria

✨Seminario con Caty Marí,
chamana local de Ibiza
8-9 Febrero de 10h a 18h

“Conecta con la Medicina originaria de la isla”
Caty Marí es una mujer de sabiduría ibicenca que tuvo un gran despertar espiritual natural hace más de 30 años, llevada por la energía de su Tierra y su memoria genética. Desde entonces viaja por el mundo compartiendo su conocimiento y facilitando que la gente conecte con su propio centro de poder y de anclaje del espíritu en la materia, el Punto Can-Pal.

En el seminario se hará entre su casa y la tierra de sus ancestr@s, y así dejar que despierte en nosotros lo que sea necesario en este momento de la evolución. Caty nos guiará a través de la enseñanza de cultivar la conciencia en este punto de poder dentro de nuestro Ser.

Cada seminario es diferente depende de la energía del grupo y sus necesidades. Su enseñanza es siempre práctica y nos ayuda a tomar conciencia de patrones de conducta que interfieren con la Vida, apoyándonos a dar cambios significativos .

🌺 Contribución : 210€.

🌺 Localización : Zona de San José

🌺 Información e inscripciones: +34679238270, Núria

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February 8
Workshop with Caty Mari, local woman of wisdom The complete price is 210€. It is need 60€ for reservation and the rest you can pay in cash the day of the workshop
10:00 - 18:00
60,15 per ticket(incl. fee)

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