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Native Soul Journey Transformational Cacao Magic Mushroom & Breathwork Ceremony

A Native Soul Journey🪶 to go Beyond Your Senses with Your Zenses - Cacao🍫Breathwork🌬️ Ceremony with the option to add Magic Mushrooms 🍄

Create a special moment for yourself during this healing ceremony. A moment to relax, connect to nature, connect to each other but above all connect to your heart. Be aware of your feelings, your thoughts and your emotions. Dive within and enjoy a healing Journey with multiple layers, a soundbath guided with plantmedicines from Pacha Mama in combination with bodywork using your greatest tool; your breath! When you feel that this resonates with you.

Send PM for more information. Gracias/Thank you/Ashe/Aho 🙏🏽💫

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