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Himalayan Soundbath, Meditative Zen Journey with Mirabell and Akalanka
Himalayan Soundbath, Meditative Zen Weekly Journey with Mirabell ♾️ Akalanka
As the sun crosses the celestial equator twice a year, we recall that balance is the key to a fulfilling life.
Mirabell is a sound healing teacher who lived in the Himalayas practicing Meditation, Tai chi - Qigong, Filming, ♾️ Sounds.
She will be accompanied by Alkanaka (Federico) on a meditative Sound Journey. The practice includes meditation and breathing techniques.
Intention for October sessions: Clarity ♡ ✨
Welcome! OM 🥰 ✨
Wednesday 16 October 16:50 - 18:10
Atzaró Agroturismo Hotel
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