Healing Full Moon Event – copy
The moon on 27.11 is in Gemini and is a full moon of mourning and transformation. Let's use this energy to let go of old burdens and separate ourselves from limiting beliefs and behaviors. To transform ourselves. We do this together in a safe space with a tea ceremony, a special full moon ritual and a powerful manifestation. Through the combination of: -Kundalini- Yoga- dance, healing mediations and sound healing you will activate your chakras and open your heart.
The event is about holistic healing and transformation of your spiritual being.
You can support your healing process with the
Premium or VIP ticket.
Premium ticket: +10min During the meditation I will send you healing energy and support you in releasing emotional blockages at the heart fascia.
VIP ticket: +45min Private treatment with:
Cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathy, manual therapy, aromatherapy massage and spiritual healing work.
Helps to restore the natural balance between body, mind and soul. Supports the body's self-healing powers and the regulation of the hormonal and nervous system.
(Only 4xVIP-Tickets )
Basic-Ticket: 29€
Premium-Ticket: 45€
VIP-Ticket: 120€